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The art in our work

The Agile Manifesto represents a force that is behind any particular agile procedure like XP, Scrum or Kanban. This force, the culture to challenge the status quo, attracts certain people and companies.

Five dysfunctions of a team

Deliver with each iteration a done piece of meaningful work and collaborate as a team. If you do only these two things and forget about all the concepts and procedures we like to talk about in the agile world, you already have made a good part of the agile journey.

Definition of Done

The Definition of Done (DoD) is not only a checklist that has to be executed to get a piece of work delivered. The DoD and the path to its determination opens a space for agile thinking and acting which can actively be leveraged by the delivery team and the surrounding organization. It is a great entry point for agile delivery, and it can be used in Scrum, Kanban or any other procedure with iterated delivery.