SCHNELLER AM BERG mit diesen 3 Hinweisen!

SCHNELLER AM BERG mit diesen 3 Hinweisen! SCYENCE


  1. Ride a high frequency of 100 rpm. You can produce 28 watts more power output compared to riding with 60 rpm. The lactate equilibrium increases from 4.3 mmol up to 5.4 mmol. One reason for the improvement is because the muscles are less contracted, blood flow is better, which leads to increased oxygen intake, which reduces lactate for the same power output.
  2. Do not go full intensity at the beginning of the climb. A too high intensity in the beginning will create a gap between the oxygen demand and the possible oxygen intake of your body in that moment, which is less. Your body will produce too much lactate because of the oxygen debt. Give your body time to adapt and use a stable intensity or increase intensity to the end of the climb, when the body is able to process more oxygen.
  3. Keep the momentum. Use the pace you already have and bring it with you into the climb. It´s much more difficult to increase speed when riding with a low pace into a climb.