Westfalen Winter Bike Trophy – Waltrop

Several hundred riders found their way to Waltrop, where the RC Sprinter Waltrop carried out an excellent Winter Bike Trophy event. We started at 9 AM and -4 °C under dry conditions. The hard frozen soil allowed for fast riding. After roughly 25 km flat terrain along beautiful canals Martin and I reached the single central checkpoint (and catering station), which was close to Haard forest. From there we headed into a hilly loop through the forest and came back a second time to the checkpoint. We decided to ride back to the arrival zone and not to enter into the 95 km loop, which was sort of a possibility we talked about while driving with our car to Waltrop. At the decision point we felt it was a bit too cold, so we ended up riding just the 65 km loop. The „Alte Schaltwerk“, which is now used as a show room by Hase Bikes, was the center of the arrival area, where chili con carne, cakes, coffee and barbecue was on the list of meals provided to all the riders. We were pleasantly surprised to meet Meinhard, a friend we know from our home cycling club. Meinhard started into the run without us knowing.

Again, a joyful Winter Bike Trophy riding event.

6 AM. The bags are packed and the bike is ready.
Early morning on our way to Waltrop.
After starting in Zeche Waltrop, we are soon riding along the canals.
Every now and then we come across a group of riders, but we pass them and continue our ride as a pair.
Then we see other riders in front of us and we catch up with them.
After the first checkpoint we enter into a loop through the Haard forest.
We passed the central checkpoint two times.
Martin shortly before our final 20 km long stretch back to Zeche Waltrop.
Arrival in Zeche Waltrop.
The catering, which included chili con carne, BBQ sausages, steaks and cakes with coffee, took place in the facilities of Hase Bikes.
Hase Bikes provided the changing rooms of their employees for the riders. On one of the lockers, we found this sticker.
Video by GravelEmVee