Westfalen Winter Bike Trophy – Capelle

Martin and I are riding the Westfalen Winter Bike Trophy and this Sunday the first run in a series of 9 events started in Capelle. We were looking forward to this day because it is a nice start into the cycling season of the new year. Every weekend a run starts in a different location, which allows to ride new places or at least places you are not so often at.

The route started in the snow at -2 °C. Beautiful riding. Then the weather changed to 2 °C and raining. We were riding 3 hours in the rain on wet snow and the last hour was a fight to stay warm. Thankfully nothing happened with the equipment. I cannot imagine how we would have managed a flat tire under that conditions. Standing 5 minutes without riding immediately got us so cold that our bodies were shaking. It was not a far ride, only 56 km, but I found this one to be tough. I hope for better weather for the upcoming events.

The cycling club in Capelle did an excellent job of organizing the event. The first control point, which we returned to a second time after riding the big loop, had a lovely catering. The prepared campfires raised my mood. Then, after another 10 kilometers of riding, hot coffee and delicious cakes were waiting for us in the finish area, but I first needed to stay like 10 minutes in the arrival room until my body reduced trembling to an extent that I could eat and drink something.

An outdoor backyard of the Nordkirchen castle in a wet and snowy setting cyclists are gathering around a campfire and catering desks.
The catering at the Nordkirchen castle was very good, and the campfires not only created a great atmosphere but were also very useful given the weather.