Developer tools in the browser
Developer tools for Chromium browsers by Christian Heilmann.
My notes:
- Edge has a focus mode for the developer tools
- Use the command menu CMD-Shift-P to reach every dev tool function with the keyboard
- Console tricks
will select and log the body element$$('li')
will select and log all li elements$_
will give you the last console outputconsole.log({x})
(with curly braces) will log{x: 1234}
(assuming the value of the variable x is 1234). This way you see not only a value in the log, but also the name of the variable that holds the value.- filter by the type of logging (info, debug, warn, …)
console.table($$('li'), ['innerHTML'])
will log the innerHTML of all li elements in a table.console.table($$('a'), ['href'])
will log the href´s of all links in a table.console.count('coffee')
will count how often ‚coffee‘ has been logged.console.countReset('coffee')
will reset the coffee'collapsible coffee')
will start grouping all output to the console into a collapsible group until you callconsole.groupEnd('collapsible coffee')
will copy the all links on the page to the clipboard. If you did$$('a')
before, a subsequentcopy($_)
will do the same.monitorEvents(document.body, 'keypress')
will monitor every keypress on the body and log the event.unmonitorEvents(document.body, 'keypress')
will unmonitor the keypress events on the body.- Live Expressions (the eye of Sauron) allow to pin an expression to the top of the console. E.g.
as a live expression will show the active element without flooding the console window.
- Toggle the device toolbar (device mode) to get a responsive view emulating a touch interface. In the header bar of the responsive view, activate certain screen sizes by clicking on it. With the … menu in the header you can show rulers and media queries, and capture screenshots. It´s also possible to throttle network speed down to an offline situation. You can even use the responsive view to look at a website on desktop and not see as many ads.
- Use the inspector button to get details about any page element when hovering it – including the accessibility status.
- With the elements tool, force the state of any element, set breakpoints for when an element changes and event taking a node screenshot by right-clicking on the element and choosing in the context menu what you want to do.
- In the sources tool you can set logpoints without having access to the real source code. Overrides allow to ignore server source and instead load something from the local overrides folder.
- The flex icon in the elements styles allows to see and change flex settings.