Going Offline (video)
With Going offline, Jeremy Keith is giving an excellent talk about how to turn a website into a Progressive Web App (PWA). A PWA is an existing website elevated to a new level of user experience – an important concept which Aaron Gustafson is also picking up in his AEA talk: Progressive Web Apps – Where Do I Begin? While Aaron is focusing on the parts that generally make a good website, Jeremy is emphasizing the Service Worker that is unique for a PWA. He is pointing out the three parts that are mandatory for a PWA:
- A secured connection with https (except the connection to localhost, which doesn´t need to be secured)
- A Web App Manifest
- A Service Worker
Jeremy explains the logic of the Service Worker very well and presents some JavaScript code for fetching and caching data. One of the takeaways for me here: logic is more important than code.
He is also giving an excellent example for the content to be presented by an offline page.