The most simple tablist

My current approach of building a tablist without JavaScript. It´s relying on flexbox, relative positioning, and the :has() selector.


See the Pen Tabs using the :has() selector and without JavaScript by Ulf Schneider (@ulfschneider) on CodePen.


<div role="tablist">
<!-- tab 1 -->
<label role="tab">
<input type="radio" name="tab" checked>Tab 1
<div role="tabpanel">Tab 1 content</div>

<!-- tab 2 -->
<label role="tab">
<input type="radio" name="tab">Tab 2
<div role="tabpanel">Tab 2 content</div>

<!-- tab 3 -->
<label role="tab">
<input type="radio" name="tab">Tab 3
<div role="tabpanel">Tab 3 content</div>

For accessibility reasons, the styling depends on roles and not on CSS classes. Please refer to ARIA: tablist role for details. In this case it´s

For the overall tablist container
For each tab label
For the content of each tab

Inside of the tablist container, each tab is described by a <label role="label"> for the tab label, followed by a <div role="tabpanel"> for the tab content. The <label> wraps an <input type="radio">. The <input> maintains the state of the tablist, and if checked, indicates the opened tab. It´s an <input type="radio">, because checking one input must uncheck all others.

The input of the first tab has the attribute checked to visualize the content of the first tab by default.


All the <input> elements of a single tablist must share the same value for the name attribute, in the above example it is name="tab". A second tablist on the same page must choose a different value for the name attribute to not share the state between the two tablists!


 Oct 5, 2024

I´ve added styling to use the correct outline color for focused tabs with Webkit browsers and non-Webkit browsers.

[role="tablist"] {
--outline: auto Highlight;
--webkit-outline: auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
--tab-label-padding: 0.5em;
--tab-label-radius: 0.15em;
--tab-label-min-width: 4em;
--tab-label-active-background: white;
--tab-content-x-padding: 0;
--tab-content-y-padding: 1em;
--tab-border-color: currentColor;
--tab-border-width: 1px;

display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
flex-wrap: wrap;

/* hide everything, except the tab labels */
[role="tablist"] > *:not(label[role="tab"]) {
display: none;

/* keep the inputs on the page, but make them invisible to allow for keyboard focus */
[role="tablist"] > label[role="tab"] > input[type="radio"] {
opacity: 0;
width: 0;
height: 0;

/* when using the tab key on the keyboard to focus into the tablist, indicate the default outline */
[role="tablist"] > label[role="tab"]:focus-within {
outline: var(--outline);
outline: var(--webkit-outline);
outline-offset: calc(-1 * var(--tab-label-padding));

/* tab label */
[role="tablist"] > label[role="tab"] {
padding: var(--tab-label-padding) var(--tab-label-padding);
min-width: var(--tab-label-min-width);
margin-bottom: calc(-1 * var(--tab-border-width));
border-left: var(--tab-border-width) solid transparent;
border-top: var(--tab-border-width) solid transparent;
border-right: var(--tab-border-width) solid transparent;
cursor: pointer;

/* selected tab label */
[role="tablist"] > label[role="tab"]:has(input[type="radio"]:checked) {
border-left: var(--tab-border-width) solid var(--tab-border-color);
border-top: var(--tab-border-width) solid var(--tab-border-color);
border-right: var(--tab-border-width) solid var(--tab-border-color);
border-radius: var(--tab-label-radius) var(--tab-label-radius) 0 0;
background: var(--tab-label-active-background);

/* tab content */
[role="tablist"] > label[role="tab"]:has(input:checked) + [role="tabpanel"] {
border-top: var(--tab-border-width) solid var(--tab-border-color);
order: 99;
display: block;
width: 100%;
position: relative;
z-index: -1;
padding: var(--tab-content-y-padding) var(--tab-content-x-padding);

The styling of the tablist container

The tablist container is selected by [role="tablist"]. Basic settings of the tablist, like tabbing and border-width, are stored in the custom properties to allow for easy adjustment.

display: flex
allows to have all tab labels placed in a row.
flex-wrap: wrap
will wrap the tab into a new line if there is not sufficient space left anymore, this is important to visualize the tab content
will move the content of each tab label to the bottom, in case there are tab labels of different height


[role="tablist"] > *:not(label[role="tab"]) {
display: none;

all content inside of the tab container is hidden, except the tab labels.

The styling of the tab labels

The assignment

[role="tablist"] > label[role="tab"] > input[type="radio"] {
opacity: 0;
width: 0;
height: 0;

is targeting the input[type="radio"] elements inside the tab labels. They are only visually hidden to allow them receiving a keyboard focus. In that case, to indicate the keyboard focus with an outline, the following assignment, which must a use a dedicated styling for webkit browsers, is required:

[role="tablist"] > label[role="tab"]:focus-within {
outline: var(--outline);
outline: var(--webkit-outline);
outline-offset: calc(-1 * var(--tab-label-padding));

Each tab label receives it´s basic styling through

[role="tablist"] > label[role="tab"] {
padding: var(--tab-label-padding) var(--tab-label-padding);
min-width: var(--tab-label-min-width);
margin-bottom: calc(-1 * var(--tab-border-width));
border-left: var(--tab-border-width) solid transparent;
border-top: var(--tab-border-width) solid transparent;
border-right: var(--tab-border-width) solid transparent;
cursor: pointer;

The selected tab is styled by

[role="tablist"] > label[role="tab"]:has(input[type="radio"]:checked) {
border-left: var(--tab-border-width) solid var(--tab-border-color);
border-top: var(--tab-border-width) solid var(--tab-border-color);
border-right: var(--tab-border-width) solid var(--tab-border-color);
border-radius: var(--tab-label-radius) var(--tab-label-radius) 0 0;
background: var(--tab-label-active-background);

It´s important to have a negative bottom margin of the same size as the used border width for every tab: margin-bottom: calc(-1 * var(--tab-border-width)). The solid background for the active tab, with background: var(--tab-label-active-background), as well plays a role here. Please refer to the styling of the tab content to understand why that´s the case.

Styling the tab content

The visualized tab content is styled with:

[role="tablist"] > label[role="tab"]:has(input:checked) + [role="tabpanel"] {
border-top: var(--tab-border-width) solid var(--tab-border-color);
order: 99;
display: block;
width: 100%;
position: relative;
z-index: -1;
padding: var(--tab-content-y-padding) var(--tab-content-x-padding);

All tab content is hidden except the tab content that is a direct sibling of the checked tab label label, which is ensured by the selector

[role="tablist"] > label[role="tab"]:has(input:checked) + [role="tabpanel"]

The tab content is always placed at the end of the tab labels inside of tablist flexbox container because it has the property order: 99. It will take the full width of the tablist container through width: 100%; display:block;, which forces the visible tab content to wrap into the next line of the container.

The tab container has a top border to separate it visually from the tab labels: border-top: var(--tab-border-width) solid var(--tab-border-color);. The selected tab label should cover that horizontal line to makle a strong indication of what label belongs to the presented tab content. This is possible because the tab content has position:relative; z-index: -1;, which brings the tab content in the stacking context under the tab labels. Because the tab labels have a negative bottom margin, and the checked label has a solid background, the background of the label will cover the horizontal line.
