A Book Apart

Some of the titles of A Book Apart are made available publicly for free by their authors, since ABA unfortunately closed doors.

I own some of ABA´s iconic publications, like Responsive Web Design, HTML for Web Designers, Going Offline, and some more. The content, the short form, the layout, the typesetting, is inspiring. ABA as a publisher, with their excellent authors, were standing out from the crowd for me.

Alan Dalton and Ryan Trimble each maintain a list with the ABA titles and links to where the books are available now. Some ABA authors do not offer their books for free, but give you a discount.

Some of the free online books adhere to the styling of the original books. This is because Jeff Eaton wrote an ABA book parser named Dancing Queen that will transform the .epub format of any ABA book into Markdown. Mat Marquis has an 11ty project A Book Depart which will take the Markdown and render the book content as a static site.
