I learned three things from Chris Coyier´s article:
- Lazygit is a terminal UI (TUI) for Git. It is written in Go by Jesse Duffield and it works cross-platform! What stands out to me is how easy you can control it with the keyboard. Regular stage-commit-push work can be done from the files area [2] by using the keyboard shortcuts SPACE to stage, C to commit, and SHIFT P to push. The branches area [3] allows to create a new branch with N, which will also checkout the branch. Merging any branch into the current branch is done with SHIFT M, deleting any branch with D. Display the context-sensitive keybindings with ?. I installed it via homebrew on my Mac with
(there are more ways to install). From then on, when I´m in the terminal inside of a Git repo, typing the commandbrew install lazygit
will start the tool. It´s impressive what Jesse is doing here.Save Time With Lazygit (Tutorial) on YouTube - TUI is the abbreviation for Terminal UI.
- There are libraries specialized to create TUI´s, like the libs mentioned on Awesome TUIs, by Justin Garrison, and
I´ve added Lazygit to my list of apps because of it´s cross-platform availability and because of the keyboard navigation. It´s complementing my Fork Git client.