Among the many clipboard managers for Mac, I´m using Maccy by Alex Rodionov. Some design decisions make the app very special:
- It is focused on one job to do: manage your clippings with minimal distraction, and it does that very well.
- It follows a keyboard-first approach.
- It is open source. You can access the project and its documentation on GitHub. From there you can even download the installable app! It´s also possible to install with homebrew via
brew install maccy
. When you install from the Apple App Store, it will cost 9.99 €.
The app is written with a lot of attention to detail and Alex is very open and fair with his offering. It was an easy decision for me to buy the app and support the development. In fact, it´s a pleasure to support individual makers like Alex, who do things for a purpose and for the joy of it.