Team productivity tools

… beyond a certain point, every productivity tool introduced to a team reduces its productivity by half. Or something like that!

There’s much more to be said about inter-personal activities; speaking, listening, sketching, workshopping, co-designing. Taking a long walk is also underrated.

I appreaciate the line of thought. E.g., currently I have to observe multiple Teams channels to stay informed about what´s going on in a geographically distributed team. In addition there is email (not used too often), Confluence, and Azure DevOps. Even with the distracting push notifications of Teams it´s easy to miss something important. I find that to be more problematic than helpful. On the other hand, tools are important. Tools are part of a software developers craft and you cannot write software without them. I believe the more serious you are about the software you write and about the process you follow, the more serious you are about the tools to apply. It becomes very personal. I like to see similarities to the tool usage of the Kigumi house builder.

The Kigumi House