Defaulting on Single Page Applications
Site generators focused on performance, shipping low to zero-client-JavaScript (e.g. the one I work on, Eleventy) typically use full page navigations. SPA advocates have rebranded this architecture as a Multi-Page Application (MPA) but fundamentally this is how the web has always operated.
Zach´s article is another piece in a series of recent writings by different authors who are pointing out the benefits of Multi Page Applications (how the web always operated 😃). Zach makes some bullet points (I changed the order of topics to reflect the importance they have to me):
- Better accessibility defaults
- Inclusive and robust by default
- Privacy-focused
- Searchable by default
- Better empty cache performance
- Energy-efficiency
Read to the end to get links to similar articles by Manuel Matuzovic, Jason Godesky (When JavaScript Fails, great!), and several articles by Jake Archibald (among is a tweet showing GitHub opening faster when used as a Multi Page App in a new tab compared to following their Single Page App link).