
My approach to the topic

Through a post from Ethan Marcotte I got drawn into the accessibility topic. Web accessibility, like defined by the W3C, was not on my radar until then, and that is not good.

The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.

Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web

Web accessibility ensures that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them. The W3C defines web accessibility in its article, What is Web Accessibility.

To quote the Mozilla Developer Network:

Accessibility is the practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible. We traditionally think of this as being about people with disabilities, but the practice of making sites accessible also benefits other groups such as those using mobile devices, or those with slow network connections.

I want to explore this field, develop my skills, and create better, accessible websites.

Why accessibility matters to me

What do I have to accept

Imagining my future self with diminished abilities is one thing, but navigating the web without being able to see is entirely different. It’s daunting. Developing the skills to build accessible websites will likely take years, just as it took years to develop my design skills.

What I want to do about it

I want to start improving now. Here is my plan:

By learning and applying these practices, I hope to make accessibility more accessible for myself and provide a more inclusive user experience in my web projects.