Weeknotes 12
- Emil pictured the virus.
- I get the case counts from The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. At the end of this week we are counting 22.000 infected people in Germany, 84 people died. Worldwide, we have 307.000 people infected and 13.049 people died.
- The Washington Post: „How outbreaks like Coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to flatten the curve,“ by Harry Stevens. A very good explanation with comprehensive simulations.
- Epidemic Calculator.
- A set of free Coronavirus awareness icons from iconfinder.
- How design tells a story from Andrew Sondern, Art Director of The New York Times.
- Another great page: „Paul liebt Paula.“ I found it on my chase for Lightroom presets, because during this week I discovered that unfortunately VSCO is not in the Lightroom Preset Business anymore.
- Alternatives for VSCO: Hafenliebe Presets by Björn Lexius. I like it that Björn has only a limited number of color and bw presets which are to be meant as a starting point for further adjustment. Björn´s presets are currently my favourite. More alternatives are RNI, and maybe Paul liebt Paula.
- Debugging CSS with
* {outline: 1px solid red;}
is better than setting* {border: 1px solid red;}
, because outline doesn´t affect the box model!